Bruce Tilbrook has regularly shared some pictures this summer of his favourite spring creek haunts. Bruce has a creative eye when out with his split cane fly rod and camera stalking browns. Looks like casting a hopper to likely looking lies has been quite productive for Bruce. I hope you enjoy these images as much as I do. Thanks again Bruce for sharing.
The Central Alberta Fly Tying Club meets during winter months. Weekly tying sessions begin at 6:30pm. Call Bob Vanderwater 403. 347. 3802 or email
Friday, August 31, 2012
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Beaver Lake Regulations
...from the Trout Unlimited Facebook page:
Beaver Lake is part of the Quality Stocked Fisheries (QSF) program, which are trout-stocked waters managed to promote the growth of larger and older fish compared to general trout-stocked waters. Based on recent monitoring, Beaver Lake is n
Beaver Lake is part of the Quality Stocked Fisheries (QSF) program, which are trout-stocked waters managed to promote the growth of larger and older fish compared to general trout-stocked waters. Based on recent monitoring, Beaver Lake is n
o longer achieving the QSF objective of 10–15% of trout in the population being 50 cm or larger. Angler pressure and harvest relating to the current angling regulation has resulted in a decline of fish over 50 cm to less than 5% of the overall population.
There are different angling regulations that can be applied to achieve the QSF objectives at Beaver Lake. Fisheries Management will benefit from your input on the regulation change options. Please review the information and regulation options at the website below, and take the online survey:
There are different angling regulations that can be applied to achieve the QSF objectives at Beaver Lake. Fisheries Management will benefit from your input on the regulation change options. Please review the information and regulation options at the website below, and take the online survey:
It will take only two minutes of your time!
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Cutthroat Fishing Action
Larry and his wife Tami were out cutthroat fishing on our Eastern slopes. Looks like they were having lots of fun!
Habitat Work on the North Raven River
Hi Everybody!
Seventeen fly fishers from the Edmonton Chapter of Trout Unlimited/ Northern Lights Fly Tyers along with members of Central Alberta Trout Unlimited/ Central Alberta Fly Tying Club meet at Stainbrook Springs. The North Raven River also called Stauffer Creek needed some instream structure to protect small fry just downstream of the headwaters headwaters at Stainbrook Springs. This is an area that is taken care of by Trout Unlimited Canada. Don Andersen has kept a close eye on this area over many years. The spring is about 400 meters in length and is used by brook trout for spawning. Previously, the Central Alberta Chapter installed willow bundles in this spring when the major works were undertaken in 1997 to narrow, deepen and stabilize the silt from the agricultural activities previously located along the stream. It was hoped that the willow bundles previously installed would last until the natural willows now growing along the banks matured and died. Unfortunately, the bundles did not last quite long enough. It is hoped that natural vegetation will supplement and finally replace the willow bundles installed in 2012 over the next 10 years. SRD, during a one day "snap shot" of fish use in this area in 2011, identified the lack of cover as a possible constraint to fish reproduction.
Why do the project: This spring creek has very little "instream" cover naturally as most of the trees were killed when the farmer feed his cows in this area. Although the stream has been fenced to exclude cows for a number of years, the willows along the bank have not yet reached the "falling" down stage which would naturally provide the instream cover utilized by swim up fry.
Don gave a brief history of what has been accomplished previously at Stauffer Creek and then the gang headed out to get the instream structure installed. We chain sawed down willows, bundled them up and then attached them with wire to T-posts that were sledge hammered into the creek. The group installed about 25 willow bundles that will create cover for the brook trout fry.
Don Andersen
Don explaining what has happened in the past and what we are going to do.
Doug and Wes
Off to the creek!
Ensuring the willow bundles stay put!
Michael Dell preparing willow bundles.
Doug dragging willow branches out of the woods after they were chain sawed down.
Phil Nash
Michael Dell wiring the willow bundles.
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Camping, Fishing, Touring in Black Bear Island Lake
Hi Everybody!
Karen and I just got back from a fun filled trip to Northern Saskatchewan. We drove to Missinippi north of La Ronge, chartered a turbo otter and flew up the Churchill River to Black Bear Island Lake. We had another couple with us. We found our own "private" island for the week to set up a camp and then we toured, fished and camped. Fly fishing was not a top priority during the week. We did have lots of fun chasing pike and walleye on the fly when we did fish. Big leech and mice patterns were our favourite flies. The whole fly in camping experience is so much fun! Take a look!
Loading up the Turbo Otter
Our pilot, Keith, finding a place to set down.
Mickey Mouse getting reading to tease pike.
Walleye in the frying pan.
The glass lake was a perfect time to stalk pike with a mouse.
We love the camping just as much as the fishing!
Our neighbours.