Sunday, April 13, 2014

Bonefishing in the Acklin Islands

Hi Everybody!

Bill Young and I just got back from bonefishing on Acklin Island,  an out island of the Bahamas. We had a great week of bonefishing on the flats. Our trip was organized by Dave Eaton. He did a wonderful job ensuring every detail was taken care of. His expertise and experience helped both Bill and I be totally prepared for our adventure. After taking the Red Eye to Toronto, Bill and I met up with the rest of our gang and headed to Nassau. We overnighted in Nassau and then took a one hour hop over to Acklin Island. There are 3 or 4 lodges on the island although there are lots of flats on this 50 mile long island and we rarely encountered others while fishing. Bonefishing is a sight fishing game, and that is a load of fun.

We dealt with less than perfect conditions all week. We had unusually strong wind in the 20 to 25 mph range and the wind blew from unusual directions which then pushed ocean water onto the flats and caused the flats to be too deep for the bonefish. We did have lots of opportunities to cast to bones, and that is just plain fun yet frustrating when a 25 mph wind is messing with your casting. Yes you have to double haul and do it well! 

We moved into Fedel and Erica's home. Their home is clean and a perfect set up for our week long adventure. Erica cooked our meals and prepared us a lunch! We ate local food like conch, snapper and grouper. All the food was excellent.

Fedel arranged for other guides so we were guided 4 of the 6 days of fishing. All the guides were excellent.

Our day started early with breakfast at 7 a.m. and then off to the flats. We usually called it a day by 5:30 p.m.

The sun is strong and you have to cover up all day. SPF 100 sun screen is a must!

We saw a lot of water in the Acklins. Bill and I loved our adventure although we thought the fishing was a bit slow. The unusual wind was a big factor and the bonefish may have been looking to start spawning! Nobody knows exactly when this really happens. If you go, pay attention to the phases of the moon (tides). 

Bill and I loved to encounter the locals. Island life in the Acklins is very low keyed. One day Bill and I picked up the police chief and drove him to work! He was walking. and hoping for a ride! We had a meal at a restaurant. Now that was a neat experience.

Fresh food is scarce on the island. You have to ensure you have that well organized. Erica was on top of that and we were well taken care of.

Bill and I want to experience more of this kind of fly fishing. It is a completely new experience that we loved. We will be back for more!

Thanks to Dave Eaton for organizing a fabulous trip! Our fellow boneheads included Kelly, Johnny, Paul and of course Dave!

...the pictures are courtesy of Bill and Bob!

Heading into Nassau from Toronto

Off to Acklin Islands

Acklin Island Airport

...about the size of a small bungalow

Driving on the left side of the road can have its challenges!

You see lemon sharks and sting rays every where!

Caught my first bonefish right away. I quickly learned that it is not always that easy!

Flats with mangroves.

The organizer of our trip was Dave Eaton. Thanks to Dave; Bill and I were very well prepared.

Getting ready for the day!

Fedel was the owner of the company that we visited. He is an exceptional guide as well!

Looking for bonefish. It is a sight fishing game all the way!

Bob waiting to cast to a bonefish!

Here they come Bill, get ready!

Bill's first bonefish!

Conch shells. We ate a lot of conch, an island staple!

Bill got this beauty on a flat that had lots of fish around. It was a great day!

We slowly stalked a pod of bones for 20 minutes before Bob got this one.

Not a lot of opportunities on this day but we did take advantage of our chances!

Can you see the bonefish 40 feet from Bill?

This 8 foot bull shark scared me when he was feeding on the same flats I was looking for bonefish! You have to pay attention!

Conch shells with the snails removed.

Blue crab!

Fedel with a nice conch that we ate!

Johnny getting ready to fill up Fedel's truck! Salt air is tough on everything!


We also fished for jacks, snapper, shark and a few other species!

...lizards are everywhere!

Did I mention it was WINDY?

The old mail boat dock!

On the flats looking for bonefish!

Locals playing dominos with Kelly.

Starting the trip home by heading back to Nassau!

A direct flight from Nassau back to Calgary! We had to fly around a few thunderstorms!

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