Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Tormented, ...but Fun

 I saw this brown trout quietly sipping bugs on the surface on one of our local brown trout streams. There was actually two of them but the chances of catching him during the day was slim. I came back at dusk and sure enough, there he was sipping brown drakes. You could hear that familiar popping sound as he devoured the big mayflies. I quietly got myself in a good spot to cast. I knew I would probably get one shot. The cast was perfect and sure enough, the brown took my brown drake imposter. I hooked up but the brown shook off during our tustle. It was a very cool moment because I had to bid my time and wait for my chance. It did not turn into perfection because I had no brown in my net.

As I looked upstream, there was another brown. I repeated the entire process. I hooked up and again lost the bruiser. Double darn. A good cast, a take and a brief tangle with two big browns will have to do until I return.

Brown drakes are still hatching and hexagenia are starting up too.

I found a great curve with lots of fish, including some big browns.

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