Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Bulls and Cutthroat in Southern Alberta

Darren Petersen fished this last week with his friend Tyler (also a glassblower) from Black Diamond.  He introduced Darren to some of the waters in his neighborhood that he has not fished before.  They caught some bulls, cutbows and rockies in one river and also fished a backcountry cutthroat in a pretty little mountain puddle in some stunning country.

They saw a fair number of bulls. The bulls would usually follow the first cast or two but were pretty choosy what they would actually eat.  The ones caught were on small dark flies (Darren thinks they see a lot of large gaudy shiny offerings by this time in the year).   Darren's friend was spin fishing and one 20" bull followed his big rapala but then settled into a very visible trough and proceeded to ignore his selection of tube jigs and other lures.  It also ignored all my streamers and nymphs until just the right little streamer fly came along and it aggressively ate it.  This fish spit out a trout fry 1.5" long into Darren's net that he thought was a baby bull the exact same length as my bunny strip conehead fly.  

Thanks for pictures Darren.

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