Sunday, October 4, 2015

Tiger Trout at Twin Lakes

Twin Lakes is near the town of Roblin in the Parkland Region of Manitoba! Twin Lakes has tiger trout. Twin Lakes had a partial summer kill three years ago but it has made an excellent recovery in the last two years. There are tigers up to 28 inches and maybe larger in the lake. Betty and Steve spent some time fly fishing Twin Lakes a few weeks ago. They caught plenty. They caught them with both dry flies and balanced flies. They were able to catch several impressive tigers.

...a week later, Bill, Rick and I arrived with our gang. The weather forecast said showers maybe in the area but when we arrived, it was full blown thunderstorms and heavy rain. Once the weather settled down, we got out there. We did catch some "kittens" and a few moderate sized tigers but no biggies like Betty and Steve encountered!

The thunderstorm dropped lots of rain and some hail on us!

In a few years this baby tiger (we call them kittens) will grow to an impressive size.

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