Friday, December 18, 2015

Some Lake Aeration Questions Answered

...from an inquiry from Don Andersen

On 16/12/2015 10:48 AM, Todd Zimmerling wrote:

Here is what we have going on, as of this past week when we had our Board meeting.

We are still installing and tweaking the aeration on the original 8 lakes we had committed to:
Beaver Lake - bubble diffuser - ACA
East Dollar Lake - bubble diffuser - ACA
Fiesta Lake - bubble diffuser - ACA
Ironside Pond - bubble diffuser - ACA
Millers Lake - bubble diffuser - ACA
Mitchell Lake - bubble diffuser - ACA
Muir Lake - bubble diffuser -ACA
Sulphur Lake - bubble diffuser ACA

Spring Lake (near Grande Prairie) - this is lake normally aerated in the fall to have it turn over and then we shut down the aerators.  This process was been complete for 2015/16.

There are a group of lakes that are expected to be aerated using surface aeration by other groups.
Figure Eight Lake – surface aerator – local AEP
Swan Lake – surface aeration - MD of Greenview
Moonshine Lake – surface aeration - local AEP
Spring Lake – surface aeration - local group
Cecil Thompson Pond - surface aeration - still talking with a local group, but will install bubble diffuser if no agreement reached.

Based on conversations with AEP and the fact that we are projecting a levy surplus (because of an increase in licenses sold this year) the Board has agreed to move forward with bubble diffusers systems on additional lakes this winter:
Birch Lake - bubble diffuser - ACA
Coleman Fish and Game Pond - bubble diffuser - ACA
Hansen Reservoir - bubble diffuser - ACA

So as things stand now we have enough equipment to cover off all lakes except for Birch, Coleman and Hansen, but the equipment is now ordered and we will have it the first week of January.

Police Outpost is an issue that I don't think will be solved this winter. ACA has not historically aerated this lake and it sounds like Parks may not have been aerating for several years.  We are going to be meeting with AEP and determine what their plan is for the lake and determine what our role should be.  So may be next year it will be on our list, but as of today it is not.
  You are more than welcome to share this info.  Let me know if you have any other questions.


Todd Zimmerling, M.Sc., PhD, P.Biol.
President & CEO

  Alberta Conservation Association
101-9 Chippewa Road
Sherwood Park, AB., T8A 6J7

  phone 780-410-1990   cell 780-903-3377

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