Thursday, March 3, 2016

Off to the Bow River

The IF4 Film Festival was last night and it was quite satisfying to see such a tremendous turnout from Central Alberta. Way to go everybody!

Byron Stearns and I hit the Bow River today. The weather was warm and a wind came up from the south west for the afternoon but it really did not bother our fishing. We fished a stretch downstream of 22x that looked good. We got our way down to a run that looked great and rigged up. I wanted to swing streamers and Byron wanted to nymph! We both hooked up right away. I was casting Kelly Gallop's famous articulated fly and a decent brown smashed the fly right at the end of a swing. I used my spey rod because I could cover lots of water. It was a good choice. Byron did very well nymphing with smaller nymphs. We caught lots of whitefish and a few trout. We covered lots of water today and found out that where we started our day was the best fishing in the area. The river was busy. That was to be expected on such a nice day! We also used the ring road to get around Calgary. It was fast and we avoided the rush hour tangle in both directions!

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