Thursday, October 20, 2016

A Snowy Trip to the Eastern Slopes

One more cutthroat trip, why not! Maybe two if the weather holds. Karen and I decided to head out. We were not sure if the roads would be ok with all of the snow last week but we decided to give it a go! The weather forecast looked decent. We were planning to head south but the wind was gusting in the Crowsnest Pass in excess of 100 kph. That is way past our wind tolerance!

We saw a few hunters on the way including a golden eagle that was helping itself to some road kill! The thermometer kept going up at the top of each hill and then plunged to below zero in the valleys. The more west we headed, the roads became quite slick and in several places, snow covered.

We finally arrived at our destination. We bundled up and headed down a side road. The road was frozen, snowy and extremely slippery. We worked our way down to the river. It was crystal clear and in great shape!

Karen and I nymphed for most of our day with flashbacks, evil weevils, CDC Red Tags and Wiggle Worms. They all worked at some point during the day! The wind came up and eventually so did the temperature! We did see the odd sporadic rise but nothing consistent!

The fly fishing slowed at 3 ish so we called it a day. Besides, we wanted to drive home in the daylight! We had a great day. We caught lots of cutts. We did have the river to ourselves.

The drive to the black top was slow. We were glad we had four wheel drive today.

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