Wednesday, October 12, 2016

It's Not Over Yet

Burr! The mercury hovered around -10C this morning for the second day in a row! Karen and I wondered if it would get warm enough to hit a local pot hole lake. It did! By 1 pm we were heading out for the afternoon! We stopped to watch 3 eagles on the way and then pulled in. Good news, the lake was not frozen even though lots of the surrounding sloughs had a thin covering of ice.

We quickly rigged up and were into rainbows right away!

We fly fished for the warmest part of the day. Finally the fingers and toes told us it was time to load up and head back to Red Deer.

The mercury crawled up to 6C but the fishing was reasonably hot for this time of the year!

We hope the lakes do not freeze over too quickly. Water temperatures are cold and we suspect that freeze up will be early! Dress warm, real warm if you have the chance to get out!

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