Monday, October 31, 2016

Last Day on the Eastern Slopes

Happy Halloween everybody!

Sadly today is the last day that most of our mountain streams are open. The Eastern Slopes streams close at the end of today and will reopen mid-June of next year!

Yesterday was our last chance to get out to the west country and we did. We left in a thick fog bank. We had to be careful on the roads. A moose ran in front of our truck just outside of Rocky Mountain House as did several deer a few moments later. We finally drove out of the fog but the temperatures dropped to -6C. Burr! Fortunately the sun was shining brightly and the temperatures quickly climbed to above zero. We bundled up and had a great time!

The guides on our fly rods were frozen in the morning. We managed to catch several beautifully coloured cutthroats. The gin clear water meant nymphing early with small stuff. SOSs, small flashbacks and evil weevils did the job! Later in the day there was a light hatch of BWOs. We did rig up for dry fly fishing and got a few!

We called it a day about 4 pm. As usual, there was nobody around except us die hards. We said our good byes to an old friend and then made our way back to Red Deer!

It was a fitting way to close out our fly fishing on the eastern slopes!

A BWO dry fly gave me my last cutthroat of the year!

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