Thursday, August 3, 2017

Double Dry Day

Spectacular fly fishing days are not to be forgotten. The river was in great shape, water temperature was excellent and the cutthroat were active. Doug Pullen, Karen and I were out in the west country yesterday. The water was gin clear and each run looked like an aquarium. You could see the cutthroat actively feeding. 

The day started off cool, only 2C in places but that made the long morning walk refreshing. Once we settled into fly fishing, we realized that it was going to be a dry fly day. We set up at our first long run and the fish were up in the riffles and also all over the deep trough. It was a perfect day to set up a double dry fly set up. We saw some yellow sally stones and some grey mayflies although we did see some blue winged olives early in the day.

A size 12 or 14 parachute adams and a size 18 yellow sally stone worked great. We also used a black/tan chernobyl and a parachute adams as a set up. Both set ups worked very well with 4x tippet.

Do take the time to take a look at each run to see what is going on. Clear pools and riffles mean it is worth just watching when you get at your next spot! Where are the fish and what are they doing. Working a run from the bottom up is a good strategy as well!

We covered lots of water. Our feet were a bit sore when we got back to the truck but the dusty ride home included three tired happy fly fishers who had an awesome day.

Remember Off Road Vehicles are banned in the western foothills south of the Red Deer River drainage due to tinder dry conditions until we get some badly needed rain.

Have a safe long weekend. 

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