Saturday, October 28, 2017

Another Amazing Day Out West

Only 4 days until our Eastern slopes rivers are put to bed for another year. But, yesterday, what a day. 17C, no wind and willing cutthroat! Stuart and his buddy, Murray, joined me for a day on what truly is a blue ribbon cutthroat river. The river is no secret and those who know me understand my love for the area I like to hang out in!

Well it was -2C when we started to walk and everything was frosty. Even the mud was easy to walk on first thing! After 3 km of walking it was time to fish! It is rare to see rising fish this time of the year although later in the day we encountered a light BWO hatch that had the attention of several sizeable cutthroat and of course, us!

The gin clear water allowed us to see the fish in the runs. They were spooky because of the perfectly clear water but we did catch our share of beautifully conditioned late season west slope cutthroat!

As usual, the day moved way too fast. I did not fish much today. I love getting the camera out and trying to catch some fun moments! Many of the cutthroat trout were quite colourful.

The walk back was slippery because the frost was off the mud.

We washed off our gear and headed back to Red Deer. Stuart made sure I got home at the appointed time. A little driftin' as were rumbled down the gravel!

One awesome day Murray and Stuart. I enjoyed my day with you two!

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