Friday, March 9, 2018

Andros Island in the Bahamas with Bruce Tilbrook!

Bruce Tilbrook and three other fellows did some bonefishing at Bare Bones Club on Andros at Mangrove Cay. 

Here is a trip summary!

This is a brand new lodge at Mangrove. They're just now building the website. My brother-in-law and I were there from March 1st to the 7th. The other two guys are still there until the 14th. But we did manage 5 full days of fishing.

The bones averaged 2-4 pounds and a few 5 and 6 pounders were caught. In photo109 the bone lost weight trying desperately to make it to the boat---it lost weight from a shark. I played around to long with him. He definitely would have been around 8 or 9 pounds! Photo 52 is yours truly and brother-in-law Doug with a double. And, photo 102 shows the building where the club is located.

The flies that worked the best were local shrimp patterns and, of course, pinkish-coke coloured Crazy Charlies. Pink Gotchas worked well too.

Transportation to the island is from Nassaua with LeAir---about a 15 minute flight.

I was previously at Andros about 20 years ago on the north end. That time I fished just two days but lucked out the first time with fooling many bones. I was guided by the famous Charlie Smith who invented the Crazy Charlies. I understand he's in his 90s now and doesn't guide anymore due to failing eyesight.

I highly recommend Andros as a bonefish destination.

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