Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Fantastic Day Fly Fishing for Rainbows and Tigers

Yesterday was cold in the west country and today we opted for lake fly fishing. The weather was amazing. The temperature was already 18C when we arrived and the thermometer rose to a balmy 23C by late in the afternoon!

The fly fishing today was outstanding. My buddy Colin's recently retired brother, Dave, joined us for day two of retirement! I am sure he was glad he did. He caught the biggest rainbow of the day on his 4 weight fly rod! I bet he brings a heavier rod for next time.

We rigged up with an ice minnow and Glen's Leech. Both flies worked great although an ice minnow performed just a bit better!

Colin and Bob caught a tiger trout each. I am looking forward to seeing these aggressive trout get larger! Karen as usual tangled with several dandy trout too!

Pepper even managed to meet up with a prickly porcupine. Luckily Karen and I were close by to stop the confrontation from getting out of hand. Pepper only got one quill in the face. Lucky him!

The warm sun made for one awesome day to be outside. The weather pattern looks like it is going to stick around for a few more days! Get out there and enjoy this bonus warm weather! Pretty sure Dave did not think of the 33 years he put into working at Joffre today!

Ice minnows worked great today!

A beauty!

Now that is a great start to retirement, Dave!

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