Friday, May 17, 2019

Darren Petersen Always Hits the Red Deer River for the May 15th Opener

Darren spent the day in the city limits and it started out pretty slow then picked up for me mid-day. He caught a handful of fish including rockies, goldeye, 1 walleye and a brown.  The brown ate a small nameless peacock sword nymph and was sluggish at first then went aerial twice! 

Around 3-4pm there was a big hatch of mayflies sailing down mid-river, that were March Browns.  They had mottled gray wings and were between a size 14 and a 12.  Many hundreds drifted past me but no surface rises were spotted.

The big fish of the day lunged at his clouser just as he was ripping it out of the water to cast again.  Darren got a good look at her head and she refused to play with him after this encounter even after resting the spot and changing to something more subtle.  A pike would have come back for more but not a brown.

Visibility was about 3 ft which was better than Iexpected.  It was a cool, damp breezy day which was not nicely accentuated by the leaks in my waders,  Brrrr!  Time for new waders I guess.

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