Thursday, August 1, 2019

Arctic Grayling on the Sulky River with Plummers Arctic Lodge

Everybody loves the Arctic grayling fly out! Doug and Colin had never been on a float plane so today was extra special. We decided to go back to the Sulky River. It is a spectacular stretch of river that is teaming with big grayling! After a hardly breakfast, we boarded the single engine turbo otter and flew to the Sulky River with our three guides. The day was overcast and the Sulky River was higher than our last visit but the grayling were willing and numerous. Any high floating fly will usually get a willing grayling to rise up from the riffles and slam your offering. The grayling in the Sulky River are big. An eighteen inch grayling is common and twenty inchers are many. I love the colours of the dorsals fins. The red edges and blue colours on the unique dorsal fin are spectacular!

Everybody caught lots of grayling. We did have to deal with mosquitoes. Most of the group and guides wore bug suits and for good reason.

We had our shore lunch right beside the falls. What a spectacular place to say the least. 

The turbo otter came over the trees alongside the river at 4 pm. It was time for us to pack up and hot foot it back to our pick up spot.

There was lots of laughter during our predinner drinks in our cabin. Everybody had an amazing day.

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