Tuesday, June 23, 2020

The Start of the "Dog Days of Summer!"

Pepper loves to go fly fishing with us. He saw me pull the boat out of the garage and park it out front of the house at 5:30 am. Pepper made sure he was not going to be left at home. He sprinted to the truck and bounded into the back seat!

In the last several days, the water surface temperature has quickly risen to 66F. The fish are starting to move into deeper water. We did have to wrestle with cottonwood fluff on the water but it has been tolerable. The fish whether it be trout, whitefish, walleye or pike will become quite sensitive to warm water. Be sure to ensure fish are revived before sending them on their way. Also try to keep the fish in the water. We have a large net and the fish can rest quietly in the water. Pop out that barbless hook and send them on their way! When the water temperature gets close to 70F, please think about whether we should just go for a boat ride. We like to fish early and quit just after noon when the water temperature is warm.

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