Saturday, November 7, 2020

The Last Few Casts of the Year?-Maybe

The last few days, the weather has changed from unseasonably warm back to our usual weather pattern. Two days ago, the lake was ice free and fishing well with blobs and micro leeches. Rick and Larry were having lots of success. I had to heckle them because they were fishing from chairs off of a dock. 

Then the mercury plunged to close to -10C. The next morning, the home bay was frozen. Only 10 hours ago it was ice free. Well I rooted around for a long stick and broke up the ice enough to fish. Both Rick and I successfully caught rainbows on blobs. I even fly fished with a double blob. Crazy but effective. Rick even caught fish off of a dock that had been pulled out onto the shore. We both bundled up but eventually the biting wind took its toll on us. 

We thought the rest of the lake would be frozen today. I still had to drive out and look. Surprise, the wind had blown all of the ice off of the lake. It was snowing steadily and well below zero. I was able to tangle with some rainbows. I am pretty sure that tomorrow will be back to ice on and darn cold. Sigh!


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