Friday, January 1, 2021

Phil Rowley Seminar for Central Alberta Fly Tyers on Zoom

Happy New Year Everybody! I have fantastic news! We are going to run our annual fly tying seminar with Phil Rowley in February on Saturday the 27th in the am and Saturday March 6th in the am. The cost will be $50. The entire seminar will be done from the comfort of your home or from where ever you may be. We will be using Zoom on line. The theme will be Suggestive Lake Flies. Phil and I have been working on the details. This will be a hands on tying session that is set up mainly for our club and a few others who will be invited to tune in!

Over the last 10 years, the members of our club have learned an incredible amount about fly tying from Phil. This will also give us an opportunity to reconnect with everybody.

 The two morning sessions will be from 10 am to 12:30 pm or so!

Phil has the technology to show: his Power Point presentation, see Phil and then close up on camera tying instruction for the tying session. I will be the moderator. You will have the ability to talk to Phil and ask questions throughout the day.

You will be given a copy of the entire tying session so you can go over and review any of the tying. You will also get copies of the power point presentation. Phil is also gathering some draw prizes that will add to the fun!

We need to get 20 plus to make this work. I will be helping everyone gather the fly tying materials for the session. Phil will be working with Canadian Llama Company, West River Fly Shop and Chinook Wind Outfitters to gather any tying materials you will need. Several of the materials will be gathered by me. I will repackage some that can be picked up right here at my house or mailed out!

To sign up, please get ahold of me, Bob Vanderwater. You can do that on e-mail: or call me(or Text) 403-598-3802. This tying session will educational and lots of fun! I hope you will join us!

Phil will be providing a PDF of the materials list at least 30 days in advance so you can gather everything you need. Materials that maybe difficult to gather will be made available by me (Bob Vanderwater).


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