Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Ice Minnow Work Great to Imitate Forage Fish

Karen and I headed to Kerbes Pond to see how our new stockers are doing. Before we left, I took the time to tie up 6 small ice minnows. Kerbes Pond is a tea coloured lake. The water is off colour and there is a lot of pin fry for the rainbows, tigers and browns to devour. It took us a bit of time to find the trout. They were hanging out in the shallow parts of the lake. The trout attacked our ice minnows. What we did find was the trout wanted the fly to move so we we slowly stripped our ice minnows. That gave us lots of excellent action. We even caught several carry over trout from last year! That made us smile.

The brill for an ice minnow can be bought at Canadian Llama Company. This is silver, 5 mm and we used size 14 jig hooks tied balanced with 7/64ths rainbow tungsten beads! I usually use silver bead but I am out!

Can you see the giant flock of snow geese?

Put a tiger in your tank!

We drove home by heading south so we could enjoy the Big Valley bridge area. A beautiful drop into the Red Deer River valley!


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