Saturday, June 5, 2021

Safety First-Lake Winds and High Flow Advisories

 I had a very sobering experience on Friday! I went to one of our local lakes to fly fish! I always check the weather and in particular the wind forecast. The forecast looked excellent. The group I was with, helped me launch my G3 and we motored to a spot 3 km away. It did not take long to catch a few fish BUT the wind was quickly increasing in strength and from a direction that was not in the forecast. Well be headed to the lee side of the lake but the whitecaps and rollers were getting large. The 15 kph winds eventually increased to close 70 kph. We quickly worked our way back to the boat launch where the wind was blowing straight into the launch. That made recovery of the boat quite challenging. Everything worked out but we quickly made the decision to bug out and we were glad we did. Not too much later a strong thunderstorm came across the lake. Keep track of the changing weather and do check weather radar!

If you have driven over the Red Deer River in the last 36 hours, you will see that its flow is now over 100 m3/sec. That means it is humming along with run off. Remember that you can always head over to Alberta Basins to check flow rates of your favourite rivers.

Be safe out there. Have the proper safety gear, ...always!

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