Thursday, September 16, 2021

One of My Favourite Fall Days at Patterson Lake in Manitoba

I love fly fishing in Manitoba! The fly fishing is at times amazing but the best part are people we meet and fly fish with! My buddy Phil Rowley was gearing up to shoot a New Fly Fisher Episode in the Parkland Region. Phil had a half day to fly fish at Patterson Lake. The fly fishing was outstanding. Phil, our buddy Larry and I had a hoot! We rarely get to fly fish in the same boat together! We laughed for 4 straight hours and caught some amazing brown trout! Eventually Phil had to go back to Russell for a meeting. Larry and I motored to the dock to drop off Phil. On the way back out , a rain squall came through and a spectacular rainbow came out as the shower passed by. Larry quickly angled the boat so I could get a few shots! Larry and I continued to fish. Larry caught one of the biggest lake brown trout I have ever seen. I was quite envious! We eventually motored back to the dock to pick up Barry Acton. Barry was the videographer and editor for Phil's New Fly Fisher shoot. Barry loves fly fishing too. We motored to an area we call the Southern Cross. In the back corner, Barry hooked a big male brown trout that had incredible colours. Moments later, Larry hooked a sizeable rainbow. Both trout were landed. It was late in the day. We caught a few more trout but were were all quite thrilled with our success. We were laughing and having one fabulous time. Yes, we had a great day but it really was because of the great individuals we spent time with in the boat!


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