Saturday, October 2, 2021

Dickson Trout Pond Update-More Good News


Karen and I decided to spend our Saturday afternoon checking out Dickson Trout Pond. Dickson is one of the largest trout lakes that we have. Just like yesterday's adventure to Kerbe's Pond, we wanted to see how the rainbows and tiger trout survived the warm summer. In a word, excellent.

We arrived around 1 pm. The boat launch had a lot of green algae but we knew the wind had a lot to do with that. Once we were a few hundred meters from the launch, the green algae was quite tolerable. The algae only hangs in the top few feet of the water column. As the colder weather rolls in, the algae will die off.

Karen and I set up with a tequila blob and a size 14 olive balanced brill micro leech size 14 with an orange bead! Karen took off the blob and changed to a Glen's Leech with the small micro leech below. We both had success fishing 8 feet down.

The lake was glass for most of the afternoon as a chinook arch loomed over head. We were pleasantly surprised at the quality of the rainbows and tigers that we caught!

If you have the chance to sample Dickson, I would recommend it!

Rainbows and tigers!

Caught this rainbow right out front of the beaver house.

A beauty rainbow for Dickson!

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