Monday, October 25, 2021

Walleye in the Bright Sunshine

Monday, Monday! Karen and I did not want to waste a warm fall day. The direction of the wind and the clouds in the sky encouraged us to head to the Red Deer River and chase walleye! It was a good decision even though the clouds pushed away leaving a bright sunny day in front of us. The river is in great shape and we found several willing walleye. We used silver minnows, candy corns and vampire leeches, all tied balanced, to catch the walleye! Karen loves to fish a run slowly and jig her balanced fly. It is a strategy that works well for her! We both caught some nice specimens today!

Just a small side note about our day. We had to discourage a fly fisherman who wanted to step into the run that Karen was fishing. There is literally 100s of kms of great walleye water on the Red Deer River. Karen stepped out of the water to change her fly and the fella headed quickly to where she was having success. I had to tell the fella that she was just changing her fly. Over time, he still edged his way to where Karen was fishing and stared her down.  I moved over there. He finally got the message. We do not want confrontations on the water. If someone steps out of a run and you want to fish there, just ask if they are finished. Do not try to push them out.  That is not cool. If you are within casting distance, you are too close. Another retired gentleman came out to try to catch walleye with his spinning gear. He did it right. He said good morning and walked upstream of us to fish. He then asked if he was too close to us (which he wasn't). That is a considerate fisherman. Give everyone the space they deserve.

Cold weather looks to be moving in early next week. Get out there if you can! Today was definitely not a manic Monday!


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