Friday, April 15, 2022

Last Fly Fishing Day in San Pedro

Two years ago, I sat on the bow of Hilian's panga and contemplated what was coming. It was just the start of the pandemic and the entire world was a big mess!

Today, Karen and I were looking forward to an enjoyable last day on the water with our friends. We just wanted to take it all in. We had a marvelous last two weeks and we were ready to head back home. We enjoyed our days on the water. The weather was not cooperative at times but that is just the way it goes! We had some amazing days where we caught 70 plus fish and one day where we landed just one bonefish!

Today Karen and I had shots at tarpon, permit and bonefish! Twice I hooked up in a pod of permit, both times, was a bonefish! Sigh! Karen accidentially broke a rod on a larger bonefish that dove under the boat just as we were trying to net it. No matter, we carry a spare so all was just fine. Rod warranties are well worth having.

We learned a lot on the this trip. Every trip is a learning experience. That makes us always look forward to the next time.

Hilian took the long cut back to the condo. He know we love looking at the colorful waterfront! 

Lots of hugs at the dock. We were sad to say goodbye to Axel and Hilian although we did have have everyone over to the condo for supper! We celebrated our last two weeks!

Tomorrow we are going snorkelling with West Coast Tours. That was an amazing day.

Happy Easter everyone!


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