Sunday, April 10, 2022

Skip Jack Tuna in the Baha

My buddy, Colin and his wife Susan have been in the Baha this past week on a well earned holiday! Colin wanted to try and catch a rooster fish during his holiday. There was a good chance of catching a rooster fish so Colin arranged to have guide, Mike Riser spend two days out on the water with them. Colin did connect with several skip jack tuna but no rooster fish. He may have been a bit early for a rooster fish. Colin and Susan did encounter a ton of whales and lots of birds while out on the water. Colin did have several shots at Dorado but no hook ups! Colin fly fished along the beach and caught some lady fish! Now that is a species I have not encountered.

Of course the Mexican food was excellent as was the beer! What was amazing to me was how quiet it was in the Baha. The long sand beaches were basically empty. 


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