Friday, April 15, 2022

Snorkelling With the Sharks on April Fools Day

We always devote at least a day to snorkelling along the reef at Hol Chan Marine Park and Shark-Ray Alley. This year bad weather delayed our day of snorkelling to the very last day. West Coast Tour guide, Kevin, picked us up at 7:30 am. We headed off to Hol Chan Marine Park before the tour boats arrived with lots of snorkelling tourists. We enjoyed the marine park for 90 minutes before another boat full of guests came. Seeing turtles, so many species of fish, lots of colourful coral along with rays and sharks makes the experience quite exhilarating. Our morning snorkelling lasted close to 3 hours. We stopped to look at dolphins on the way out as well. We were lucky to have a good tide for snorkelling and absolutely no crowds. When we left Shark-Ray Alley, they were 15 boats at the marine park. We smiled after having our very own private tour with an excellent guide early enough to not have to tangle with the crowds. It is always a great time. Karen and I have been to the marine park 6 times. We will always devote some time for this experience. It is no April Fools joke.



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