Monday, June 27, 2022

Barry Mitchell Pond at Heritage Ranch

After running errands today, I rode my bike down to Mitchell Pond at Heritage Ranch. I wanted to see how the fly fishing was. In a word, excellent. The stocked rainbows were extremely aggressive. I even caught two, twice in my brief stop at the pond. I used two Glen's Leeches tied on a size 14 jig hook!

The pond has lots of weeds growing but just dangling a small nymph or micro leech 4 feet down had me catching stockers for 40 minutes.

Jump on your bike, better still take some kids with you and have a great time. It is a 15 minute walk from the Heritage Ranch restaurant. Don't worry about the 158 stairs you have to climb on the way back. The recent rains have raised the water levels nicely at Barry Mitchell Pond!


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