Friday, July 15, 2022

Chasing the Golden Stones on the Bow River

My good friend, Steve Luethi, invited Karen and I to join him for a float on the Bow River last Sunday. The Bow is flowing on the high side of average and is definitely off colour. There was about 2 feet of visibility when we launched at Fish Creek at 5:30 am. The Bow was humming but we were all game. Steve guides regularly for OFF, aka Out Fly Fishing. He knows the river well and he is fun to spend the day with. We started with large golden stone dry fly imitations. We hooked a few and landed some nice rainbows. We switched to jimmy legs nymphs and connected on several rainbows. Karen lost a large brown at the boat on one run. The golden stone hatch usually coincides with the Calgary Stampede. Many fly fishers call it the Stampede hatch.

Once we arrived at the Highwood River confluence, we drifted out to McKinnon's Flats. The Highwood dropped the visibility on the Bow River to just 6 inches or so. The fishing was tough but enjoyable. The river definitely was flowing super fast.

Karen and I enjoyed our drift with Steve. We both owe him a big thanks for inviting us along!


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