Friday, October 7, 2022

Blobs and Tokaryks

My buddy Rick Miyauchi and I spent a fabulous day out on the water yesterday on a fishery both of us do not know well. We did have some intel that helped us get started. The water we were fishing was stained. We decided to fish edges and that was a great strategy. Rick set up with a gaudy blob and a Tokaryk Special. The blob was used mainly as an attractor and that was an excellent strategy! We were not fishing deep early in the day and we connected on several large rainbows and a very decent brown trout on the Tokaryk Specials size 14 tied balanced with jig hooks. The rainbows we so energetic, fantastic size and they certainly were a blast to tangle with. I hooked a decent brown using a Tokaryk Special too.

As the temperature warmed up, we started to fish a bit deeper and we connected on several decent rainbows. We did have the challenge of not much action on our indicator set ups because the lake was glass. We had to move our set ups by pulling our line so we could get some action on our flies. 

Although we did not cast and retrieve, that was going to be our next strategy! As you can see from our throat samples, the trout were dining on shrimp and boatmen. An intermediate line and some shrimp patterns stripped over weeds would have been our next plan! We tried different set ups but by far, the blob and Tokaryk set up was our best play!

We had an outstanding day topped by dinner out!

Happy Thanksgiving everybody! I hope you are able to spend some quality time with your family this long weekend. If you are able to get out on the water, enjoy!

Boatmen and shrimp!

Gammarus Shrimp

Hyella and Gammarus Shrimp


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