Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Fabulous Fall Bonus Day

Another warm sunny fall bonus day out on the water. Today Rick, Karen, Pepper and I headed back to Cow Lake. It was a beauty of a day. Today we spent a lot of the day exploring. Cow Lake is large and we did find some new spots to fly fish. We were still using balanced Tokaryk Specials to connect with browns, rainbows and pike. Karen caught a larger pike today that she did not want to hold so I held it up for a quick picture. You do not catch a lot of trout but the ones you catch at Cow Lake are quite impressive. Rick landed one rainbow that was close to 8 pounds. The weather forecast is about to change. Winter is coming and real fall weather is just around the corner! Then we will have to bundle up! Today I started off with a warm jacket, then by mid afternoon I was down to a light shirt! A good bathometric map and a my Garmin Sounder really pay dividends out on the water although at Cow Lake, lots of fish seem to cruise and feed close to shore! 

Shrimp is on the menu!

We always have a good time on the water!

 Karen caught this sizeable pike on a Tokaryk Special but she did not want to hold it!

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