Monday, January 30, 2023

Tying EP Streamers and the Unsinkabeetles with Steve Luethi

Steve Luethi was our guest tying instructor tonight! The 18 tyers who came out tonight were treated to a fabulous program from Steve. The evening started out with a video taken from Cree Lake by Steve, Josh Nugent from OFF (owner of Out Flyfishing), Yoshi Aoki and Naoto Aoki. Seeing the guys tangling with 45-50 inch pike was quite exciting.

Steve then showed the gang how to tie the unsinkabeetle. The arctic grayling in the Cree River could not stay away from this sweet little dry fly made up mostly from foam!

Steve then got out the BIG Predator hooks and we tied a very simple yet effective pike fly, the EP  Streamer. The streamer is tied with two different colours of NMR Flash and Fiber. The key to this fly is tie in the material sparsely.

Thanks Steve for the delightful evening of fly tying!

If you are interested in the Cree Lake Trip that OFF is hosting. Give Josh Nugent a call at the shop. The trip is excellent value and the fly fishing is outstanding! I can personally attest to it!

Next week, we are tying damsel flies. Just bring some olive UTC 70 thread!

Finally, our Phil Rowley All Day Tying Workshop is coming on February 11th. We do still have room for a few more tyers. This is a workshop for all levels of fly tying!


Size 10 dry fly hook with a wide gap
Thread: orange or red UTC 140
Body: Two colours of foam (underbody is wrapped)
Thorax: Sparkle dubbing
Wing: Antron and foam
legs: Rubber

EP Streamers

Hook: Partridge or Ahrex -Predator-#4/0-6/0
Thread: Orange or red UTC 140
Body: Two colours of NMR Flash and Fiber
Eyes: Living Eyes or Fish Skull (to get deph)

These are two well chewed EP Streamers-the pike were still hitting them!

Wall tent accommodation at Cree Lake Lodge (for the DUI fly fisher)

Flying to Cree Lake from Fort McMurray

Josh and Naoto with monster pike

Sleeping Accommodation for the Do It Yourself Flyfishers

Steve with monster Cree Lake Pike

Josh with a rare Silver Pike

Steve caught this black bear looking for scraps near a popular shore lunch spot!


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