Monday, February 6, 2023

Damsels, Pub Night and Final Details for Phil Rowley's Workshop on February 11th

Hi Everyone!

Tonight we took a look at some damsel fly patterns. Have you ever experienced damsels migrating to the shore line then transform into adults? The trout certainly are aware of these tasty morsels when it is happening. Immature damsels are also a constant food source for fish. 

Tonight we looked at a cool immature damsel pattern designed by BC Fly Guys called a slim damsel. We also looked at one of most popular fly patterns in the UK called the Blue Flash Damsel. We tied up a variation that Davie McPhail ties and I shared a second variation that Barry Ord ties. I have included video of these great patterns from their originators.

This Friday is Pub Night at Mohave Grill. We have reserved a space on the Anthony's Kitchen side of the restaurant in the back for our gang! Phil and Patsy will be there to visit. We will be there around 6 ish and we will stay and visit for a bit! Come and have dinner (Mohave Grill menu) or just visit! Mohave Grill right behind Tim Hortons by the traffic circle on 67th Street!

Next Monday February 13th, Doug Pullan is our guest fly tyer. Doug has asked everyone to have black, olive and orange UTC 70 thread along for his tying session. Doug always has an excellent fly tying session. His theme is booby flies!

Our all day workshop with Phil Rowley is this Saturday February 11th starting at 9 am at Reliance Learning Centre. Lunch is provided. We will also have coffee and some drinks available during the day! We still have room for a few more tyers. Just drop me a note (bob.vanderwater@rdpsd,ab,ca or text me @ 403-598-3802.

Slim Damsel (BC Fly Guys)

Baby Damsel (Brian Chan)

Blue Flash Damsel (Davie McPhail version)

Blue Flash Damsel (Barry Ord version)


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