Friday, April 7, 2023

Betty and Steve-Tarpon Fly Fishing

Happy Easter Everyone!

Betty and Steve just sent me some awesome pictures of their adventure to Campeche, Mexico! They really enjoyed the area and of course they brought their fly rods! The account of their adventure is from Betty and Steve. This is definitely a place I need to check out! 


In Dec. 2022 we decided to try for a new fishing adventure and ended up going to Campeche , Mexico on the west coast of the Yucatan to fish for baby tarpon. We found a great deal on a couples trip that included a tour of the old colonial city of Campeche and a spectacular archaeological site. It was nice to mix some cultural things in with the fishing. The whole coastline is mangrove swamps with small rivers/creeks flowing into the ocean. We tried oceanside fishing first but the tarpon were not present, so then we ventured into the mangroves and fished in some of the wildest looking spots we have ever encountered.The tarpon can be found in the backwaters rolling at the surface all day. Betty had tied up some big tarpon gurglers that the fish just smashed. Getting a strike and holding on to the fish are two different matters entirely. We were interested to see that the fish had no teeth but had hard bony mouths. We also fished in a boat that King Charles had been in earlier. Campeche is a totally laid back old colonial city with none of the Cancun crowds and hectic vibe. For a first trip for tarpon I recommend this location.

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