Friday, May 19, 2023

May Long Weekend is Finally Here!

Rick was steadily catching rainbows all day!

It is May Long Weekend. It feels like summer with the heat dome over Alberta. Sadly there are so many wildfires burning in our beautiful province and with those fires is smoke. Central Alberta has been shrouded in smoke as is most of Alberta. Hopefully the rain in the forecast next week does come!

Today, Karen and I meet up with Rick, Phil and Patsy! Steve and Betty were on the water too! It was a chance to hang out together and get some fly fishing in. The day was hot and unfortunately the cottonwoods had fluff started to loft over the lake we were fly fishing. The fluff made fishing a challenge at times although we all caught plenty of rainbows. Our throat samples had daphnia (boo), some boatmen, a few chironomids as well as shrimp and the odd mayfly nymph! The rainbows were hungry and they seemed to switch from one food source to another regularly during the day.

The best part of the day was hanging out and seeing everyone. We all had fun. Late in the afternoon, the cottonwood fluff got the best of us and we all decided to call it a day!

We fly fished with blobs, chironomids, boatmen, shrimp, bloodworms and a variety micro leeches. At times, they all were working.

I hope you are able to get out on the water this long weekend. The yard work is still staring me down but tomorrow I'm heading to Fish Lake to fly fish with my grandkids. Have an awesome long weekend!

Karen was having a blast too!

Patsy had an awesome day!

Daphnia, water boatmen and chironomids in this sample!

Steve and Betty were into fish all day too!

Phil connected with so many rainbows!

Even the Canada Geese stood up to watch!


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