Wednesday, December 27, 2023

A Tribute to My Friend-Gerald Ng

My friend Gerald Ng passed away yesterday. Gerald lived in California. He was a passionate fly fisher and more importantly, he was a kind man with a big heart. I always enjoyed sharing my boat with Gerald and during COVID, he often joined in on our tying sessions for the Central Alberta Fly Tying Club. I do remember that he once took in a fly tying session by setting up his computer in the garden shed so he would not disturb anyone. Gerald always enjoyed being on the water. I do remember one particular day at Patterson Lake in Manitoba when Gerald landed 5 big brown trout in an afternoon! I often think back on that afternoon! Gerald loved his days on the water. He was less concerned about catching lots of fish. He just enjoyed being on the water with his fly rod! I also remember Gerald tying a box of flies for our mutual friend, Richard in Manitoba. I think the box of flies was taken from Richard's truck. Gerald then, tied up more flies to replace them. He was a very caring person. I am going to miss Gerald. 


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