Saturday, February 24, 2024

Betty and Steve in Argentina-What An Adventure


On Feb. 2, Betty and Steve embarked on an amazing fly fishing trip to Argentina. They flew to New York and then overnight to Buenos Aires Argentina. 

This is the story I got from Steve and Betty!

After an overnight stay in B.A. to recover from jet lag and a red eye flight we flew to the small city of Esquel in NW Chubut Province. Esquel is in a dry hilly area just on the eastern slopes of the Andes Mountains and on the doorstep of the Alerces national park. It is loaded with lakes and rivers for fly fishing.

We based out of a small lodge on a big lake for three days and then fished out of a sister lodge in the Rio Pico area three hours south. Three days river floating and three days lake fishing is what we picked for an agenda.The seasons are reversed there so we enjoyed their summer weather and lack of bugs! River fishing set ups were chubby chernobyls with a pheasant tail nymph dropper on floating lines with 5wt.rods. Some fires were burning in the area but the lodge was safe as a lot of the area was already burned last year. The shore lunches were quite a step up from our sandwich and a beer lunches up here. Felt bottom boots are not allowed in Argentina to try and stop the spread of the invasive algae that we saw in one river. The fishing in the Rio Pico area concentrated on big brook trout and big rainbows.Our brook trout rigs were 6wt. rods with type 7 sinking line and big streamers called Rusty Trombones. In two days were boated 55 brookies from three to six pounds.The guide was tech savvy and did some great slo mo underwater shots and took videos from a drone over our raft.Fishing pressure is very light on the waters and very few boats were seen on the rivers and lakes, Its a long way to go but definitely a great fishing experience.

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