Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Whitefish on the Fly at Sylvan Lake

Karen and I had a few hours yesterday afternoon so we slid out to Sylvan Lake. We launched at a small side road at Palm Bay. The wind was coming up but it held off enough that we had a few enjoyable hours of fly fishing. We used our small blood worms and we just kept our flies about a foot off of the bottom in 5 -7 feet of water! We motored over to the west end of the lake. The lake whites are great fighters and at times you will get into walleye and perch! Sometimes we use chironomids. A size 12-14 black and red ice cream cone or a black sally is all you need. Sylvan Lake is definitely a destination to check out with your fly rod!

Blood Worms

Black Sally

Black and Red Ice Cream Cone Chironomids


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