Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Bathometric Maps

Kare, Leon, Doug and I are gearing up for a trip to Cree Lake in Northern Saskatchewan. Cree Lake is known for its massive lake trout, pike, walleye, whitefish as well as arctic grayling.We are part of a do it yourself group hosted by Out Flyfishing Outfitters in Calgary. It is going to be an outstanding trip.

To get around we are using our Garmin Echo Map fish finder as well as a Garmin InReach!

Because we are on our own, we will be looking very specific areas for lake trout fly fishing as well as shallow bays for those enormous pike. A bathometric map which helps you know what depths are in different areas is a useful tool. Looking for drop offs, reefs, etc will help with our success.

I use bathometric maps of Sylvan Lake as well as several local lakes to find just the structure I am looking for.

Some Fish Finders have a mapping tool that helps you literally create your own bathometric map!

If you are heading to  new lake, definitely take the time to find a bathometric map. It will help you a lot!


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