Saturday, August 31, 2024

Backcountry Brook Trout in Banff National Park

This was a trip we were looking forward to and it almost did not happen. Nasty weather moved into the Banff National Park area and it snowed. Well we waited it out, then hoisted our backcountry gear and headed out! It was a great opportunity for Karen to test out her leg after a nasty spiral fracture just 7 months ago! After hiking for several hours, we set up camp. There was snow all around but our camp site  was snow free and no biting bugs!

We organized our fly fishing gear and climbed up to a nearby lake that had an excellent population of brook trout! The wind was blowing hard but we still tied on chernobyls and fly fished dry flies with lots of success. I did nymph as well. Believe it or not we used blobs and the brookies could not lay off!

The mountains were crystal clear and the cool temperatures reminded us that fall is in the air! We woke up in our tent on day two and it was easily -5C. Burr! We were prepared with lots of layers of clothes.

We also visited a second lake. The fishing was a bit slow there although we did catch some beautifully coloured brookies. We also were quite distracted by deer, mountain goats, porcupines as well as the amazing scenery!

Karen's recovering leg passed with flying colours. We were both quite pleased that we were able to get in the backcountry. Too many of our trips have been cancelled this year. Fires being the main culprit! 

Blobs in the backcountry, who knew?

Chernobyls- Brookies love to Smash Them!

Blobs-Brookies loved them!


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