Wednesday, June 22, 2016

My Buddy Claude, ... a Real Character

My buddy Claude is an original. I met Claude 3 or 4  years ago through my dear friend Leon. Claude met up with a few of us while fishing for lahontan cutthroat in Washington State and he has joined our gang in Manitoba for the past three years! Claude is a laid back character who has seen a lot in his 40 plus years as a lawyer in Montana! I have the privilege to fly fish with Claude twice a year. 

Claude loves life. His refreshing personality reminds me not to lose perspective about what is really important. Going on a fly fishing trip can be a load of fun even if the trout are tough to catch! Claude is frugal. I think that is a reflection of his upbringing. Even when he makes his lunch for the day, nothing is wasted.

Claude says that he gathers lots of his "stuff" at garage sales. I believe him. You will not see the high end fly fishing clothes on Claude. What you will see is a kind man. Nothing seems to throw Claude into a tail spin, even when all of his Canadian friends pronounce his name like he is French Canadian.

Forty plus years as a lawyer allows you to see all sorts. I am sure that Claude's life experiences allows him to properly place fly fishing in the big picture. Some of us get a bit too wound up about fly fishing. It is Claude's chance to relax and have fun. It isn't about the biggest fish or the number of fish caught for Claude. Its about the people, the environment and the relaxation. I have never seen Claude take a drink stronger than tea!

Last year Claude had knee replacement just before our spring trip to chase lahontans. There was no way that Claude was going to miss this trip. He fly fished from a lawn chair and did his physiotherapy faithfully by climbing the local mountain at lunch time. He just wanted to be out with the gang having a good time.

I have learned lots from Claude. I am lucky to have crossed paths with a real neat character who loves to fly fish! Thanks Leon for bringing Claude along! He is definitely one of our gang!

I know that Claude loved tangling with this giant brown trout.

 Scott Fink photo

Leon and Claude, two incredible characters I am lucky to know!

 Scott Fink photo

 Scott Fink photo

Claude eating raw oysters !

  Scott Fink photo

Leon Netting Claude's Big Brown Trout

 Leon Buckles photo

  Leon Buckles photo

Knee Replacement Surgery did not slow down Claude!

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