I always look forward to Ralf' Kuntzemann's fly tying sessions. That are just plain fun and his simple creativity makes me wonder why fly tying needs to be complicated. Ralf is also thrifty. His flies are not expensive to tie and they definitely catch trout. Tonight Ralf shared 4 fly patterns and the learning centre was full of keen tyers. Ralf's flies are so straight forward and at times, seem too simplistic. Imagine making a leech that has one step, tying marabou onto a hook. Done!
Ralf also showed us how to make a deer hair dubbing brush with his Norvise. I do not think that Ralf brought tying materials other than straggle string that was bought at a fly shop.
Thanks Ralf! There were a ton of laughs tonight and we all had an opportunity to think outside of the box!
Next week is our final tying session of the season! Garnet Clews is back to do another session. Garnet is an accomplished Bow River guide and he will be sharing more of his effective guide flies. Garnet asks everyone to bring:
3/0 red thread (210 denier)
6/0 black thread
3/0 brown or tan thread
Dubbing spinner
Clip for CDC fibers
Darner Dragon
Hook: TMC 200 R size 8-10
Thread: Black 6/0
Body: Deer Hair
Legs: Pheasant tail
Eyes: Foam
Chopped up deer hair that Ralf made dubbing brushed with to make his dragon fly patterns. Just add a bit of basic dubbing (antron).
Deer Hair Caddis
Hook: Curved Caddis Size 12-10
Body: Straggle
Wing: Deer Hair
Hook: Curved caddis hooks
Body: Stretch material
Thorax: Ice Dub
Marabou Leeches
Bead: optional-brown glass
Body: You favourite marabou tied behind bead

Ralf buys his hooks in bulk from Temu in the 1000s. Yes they are not from a big name manufacturer, but he has had excellent experiences with these hooks!
Rick forgot his tying vice so he tied his flies by holding the hook in his fingers. I cannot tell the difference!
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