Friday, June 14, 2024

The Birds Told Us Where to go and They Were Right and No WIND!

Finally no wind. I have been waiting to get out to Sylvan Lake with my Yamaha G3. It was the perfect opportunity. Sadly we have to pay a $20 launch and parking fee at Sunbreakers Cove but it is the best place to launch! Several trucks with boat trailers had tickets (fines) for not going on line and paying for their parking. Sigh! The APP is not that friendly so get it figured out before you go Sunbreakers to launch!

Well Colin and I loved the big bright sun and warm air yesterday. It was a shorts and t-shirt day and the water temperature was a perfect 54F. We found whitefish in a lot of different places but we had a very interesting experience. We saw a large number of purple martins swooping over the water in a spot not too far away from where we were fly fishing. We motored over to an area that was 10 feet down and fly fished with our bloodworms about 12 to 18 inches from the bottom. It was outstanding. We think caddis were emerging and the whitefish had moved in to enjoy the treats. We certainly caught our fill of lake whitefish. It was a great reminder that at times, birds can led you to the fish. 

We always take the time to attach some forcepts or a weight to our flies and adjust our strike indicators so our flies are just one foot off of the bottom. It works well for us.


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