Friday, January 24, 2025

Details for Fly Tying on Monday January 27th

Hi Everyone!

This Monday, January 27th; Karen, Doug and I will be doing a presentation on fly fishing at Cree Lake. This will be a very visual presentation. Come on out and see what it is like to chase trophy pike, lake trout and arctic grayling. We will also be tying some pike flies and learning how to make pike leaders for a fraction of the cost of a store bought pike leader!

See you Monday night. Og yes, be sure to bring a clip of some sort (buy at the Dollar Store), to secure rabbit hair before spinning it with a dubbing twister. Bring black, red and white 6/0 thread, UTC 140. 

Last night Lorne Fitch came to Red Deer to do a presentation. It was a joint effort from Red Deer River Naturalist and Freshwater Conservation Canada (formally Trout Unlimited Canada). Kerrywood Nature Centre was full. Lorne read excerpts from his book, Travels Up the Creek. One particular chapter was a very telling story of a relative that worked in the coal mines of the Crowsnest Pass.

Lorne is a long time provincial biologist. His comments about opening up coal mining in the province were very telling. We all have to get together and try to stop this insanity!

Leslie Peterson-Freshwater Conservation Canada

Dr. Bill Young introducing Lorne Fitch

Lorne Fitch


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